Seasonal Cleaning Tips for Business Owners

Don't Panic! Here's What To Do If You Drop A Nappy On the Carpet

Accidents happen. We all know that, and sometimes those accidents involve dropping a child's nappy on the carpet. It's an especially unpleasant situation when you have just been in the middle of potty training and your little one has had an accident. But don't worry — there are some simple steps to take that will help you deal with this unfortunate incident and keep your carpets clean at the same time.

1. Act Quickly

First and foremost, act quickly! The longer the nappy sits on your carpet, the more difficult it'll be to clean. Pick up as much of the mess as possible — carefully so you don't spread it around — and then move on to step two.

2. Disinfect And Deodorise

Once you have removed as much of the solid material from the carpet as possible, it's time to disinfect and deodorise your carpets. Start by mixing equal parts white vinegar and water in a spray bottle. Spray the area where the nappy was dropped liberally, then use paper towels or a cloth to blot up any excess liquid so that it doesn't soak into your carpets or padding underneath. For extra odour removal power, sprinkle baking soda over the top of the affected area before you spray on your vinegar-water solution; that way, it has time to work its magic while you prepare for step three.

3. Deep Clean

Now that you have deodorised, it's time to deep clean your carpets using either a carpet cleaner or steam cleaner, if available. Hire one from a rental outlet if necessary. They are usually easy enough for anyone to operate following instructions provided on-site or online.

If using steam cleaning, make sure that you add distilled water to the machine rather than tap water, as tap water can leave behind mineral deposits which can cause staining and other damage over time. Finally, let everything dry completely before allowing children back onto the carpeted areas.


No one ever wants to find themselves having to face this unenviable task, but accidents do happen! With these tips in mind, though, no matter what life throws at you, dealing with any kind of mess on your carpets doesn't need to be stressful anymore! So relax — you got this! And remember: while prevention is always better than cure when it comes to these kinds of messes, it's good to know that help is at hand should a disaster strike. If you need further help, contact a carpet cleaning service today.
