Seasonal Cleaning Tips for Business Owners

5 Mold Removal Tips

Mould can destroy the components of your home, look horrible and even affect your respiratory health. Don't ignore it if you suspect that there is mould in your house. Take quick steps to get the issue under control.

1. Repair Leaks

Any leaks are a mould problem waiting to happen. This includes leaks from the roof or around windows, as well as issues such as a leaking faucet or drain. If you see water stains, then there is a high chance that there is mold growing nearby. Leaks should be located and repaired as soon as you notice them. Then quick steps are necessary to dry out the water damage before mould spores begin to grow. 

2. Manage Moisture

Mould only grows where there is moisture, but it doesn't take a leak to provide these damp conditions. Certain rooms, such as the bath or kitchen, can be more prone to condensation buildup and mould growth. Installing ventilation fans can help reduce these moist conditions and lower the risk of mould. If moisture is due to humidity or leaching from the air, then you may need to consult with a builder about installing moisture barriers for problem areas.

3. Remove Damage

Badly water-damaged and mould-damaged surfaces may require removal. For example, if moisture has penetrated the wallboard or flooring, then mould can be growing behind it in areas you can't normally access for drying and cleaning. In these cases, the only way to fully eradicate the mould is to remove these surfaces and replace them with dry, mould-free components.

4. Clean Surfaces

Some surface mold can be removed with a thorough cleaning. Typically this is done with a special mouldicide, or mould-killing product, or it can be completed with a standard diluted bleach solution. Wipe down all surfaces with visible or suspected mould, such as counters, wooden cabinets and walls. Keep in mind that these cleaners kill mould but don't necessarily remove the old mould stains.

5. Destroy Spores

Even with proper cleaning, mould spores may remain active in the air. These spores will quickly resume growth once they alight on a surface with the right conditions. Your removal service can use a technique called fogging to fill the house with an atomized mouldicide solution that destroys all spores in the air and on exposed surfaces.

Contact a mould removal service if you suspect there are any mould problems within your home. 
